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"First British Empire"

1583 - A first attempt at creating a colony in north America, claiming land there for England.

1600 - Creation by royal decree of the East India Company to conduct trade and exploration in Asia.

1607 - The first English colony is formed in north America: Jamestown.

1612 - The first foothold in India; the founding of a trade port in Surat (north-west India).

1620's - Founding of a number of successful colonies in the Caribbean (such as Barbados and St. Kits).

1630 - Boston and Portsmouth founded in North America.

1633 - Trading port founded in Bengal, India.

1639 - Trading port founded in Madras, India.

1655 - Jamaica is annexed from the Spanish Empire.

1688 - Bombay (India) taken by the East India Company.

1693 - Kingston (Jamaica) founded.

1757 - Battle of Plassey, the British defeat the local authorities in Bengal, and begin a direct British rule in India.

1775 - American Revolutionary War begins with the 13 north-American colonies fighting for independence from British rule.

1783 - The 13 colonies are lost and thus the United States of America is created.

1815 - British led coalition defeats Napoleon's army at the Battle of Waterloo.

"The Imperial Century"

1837 - Queen Victoria inherits the throne, after the death of her father king William IV.

1839 - First Afghan war, a failed attempt to invade Afghanistan and secure the border with Russia.

1854 - Crimean War between Britain, France and the Ottoman Empire against the Russian Empire.

1857 - The great Indian Mutiny, native Indian units rebel against British rule in India.

1879 - The Zulu War erupts in south Africa against the Zulu tribes.

1899 - Second Boer War starts against the local South African Boer people.

1914 - The Great War begins between France, Britain and other allied countries against the Central Powers of German, Austria and the Ottoman Empire.


1939 - the Second World War erupts. 

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